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Beware of Significant Zoom Security Flaw

February 06, 2024

If your business relies on virtual meetings, you’re on-trend. These platforms provide an ideal way to contact family and friends, attend school, and hold work meetings when everyone isn’t together. 

Keep Your Gmail Account Safe with RETVec

January 30, 2024

Do you or your employees lose too much precious time deleting spam emails that clog your inbox? Google's new advancement can foolproof your business's cybersecurity and keep phishing emails at bay.

Voice Assistants for Small Business Productivity

January 23, 2024

Running a small business is no small feat. You must constantly improve your products and services, find ways to reach new customers, and gain an edge over your competition.

What Is a Data Breach and How to Prevent It?

January 16, 2024

The year 2023 was an eye-opener for businesses large and small of how capable bad actors have become in executing successful cyberattacks.

9 Smart Cybersecurity New Year’s Resolutions to Bolster Your Digital Defenses

January 09, 2024

As we welcome the New Year, it’s crucial to reflect on the evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats and fortify our digital defenses. The year 2023 was tumultuous in cybersecurity.

Mobile Point-of-Sale (mPOS) Systems: Revolutionizing Small Business Transactions

January 02, 2024

Do you want to increase customer satisfaction? You could benefit from mobile payment solutions.

3 Main Motivators Behind Malicious Insider Threats Have Shifted

December 29, 2023

Cybercriminals and their tricks aren’t the only threat to a company’s systems and data.

New Year, New Passwords: Fortify Your Digital Fortress Against Cyber Threats

December 20, 2023

Start the new year strong – discover the importance of changing passwords. Enhance your digital security and protect against evolving cyber threats.

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16 Questions You MUST Ask Before Hiring Any IT Company