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The cybersecurity landscape is rife with ransomware attacks, and the news is full of stories about organizations falling prey to ransomware gangs daily. Businesses must shell out millions of dollars in ransom money to regain their data when that happens. However, cybercriminals have a more devastating weapon in their arsenal that doesn’t tend to get as much press as ransomware: wiper malware. This awful attack goes beyond ransomware by entirely and thoroughly erasing the victim’s data in its wake, making it a nightmare for companies to recover. But there are preventative measures that businesses and MSPs can take to mitigate their disaster risk.
As the name implies, wiper malware’s prime objective is to erase the victim machine’s hard disk and destroy all the data irreversibly. The malware attacks the physical location where the data is stored and deletes it permanently from the systems it traverses. Once this data assassin enters an organization’s environment, it spreads throughout the network quickly and deletes everything in its path, completely wiping out the data and making it unrecoverable. Many cybercriminal gangs use wipers to cover up their traces after an intrusion, weakening their victim’s ability to respond.
Wiper malware leverage many of the typical Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP) that common ransomware uses, but there is no possibility of recovering the files. Think of them as ransomware attacks without any decryption keys. Wiper malware first gained notoriety in 2012, when Saudi Arabia’s Saudi Aramco and Qatar’s RasGas oil companies were attacked using the Shamoon family of wipers.
Although wipers are sometimes used by bad actors across all sectors, nation-state threat actors have particularly liked this malware. They attack the critical infrastructure of rival nations with wiper malware for a quick, vicious blow that can cause widespread disruption to the victim country’s infrastructure or operations. The Russia-Ukraine war gave rise to a new round of wiper malware attacks in 2022, as several versions of wipers were used to disrupt the critical infrastructure of Ukrainian systems. The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) released an advisory to businesses and government agencies advising vigilance against new strains of wiper malware that emerged during that conflict.
The most straightforward way to wipe out data from a system is to overwrite the data in a specific physical location with other data. This process is arduous for cybercriminals as they have to write several gigabytes or terabytes of data, which is highly time-consuming and can open them up to detection. But wiper malware dramatically speeds up that process by destroying two particular files in the system and then erasing the data in minutes.
The first file that gets annihilated in a wiper malware attack is the Master Boot Record (MBR), which identifies the operating system’s location during the boot process. If the cybercriminals succeed in destroying the MBR, the boot process crashes, making the files inaccessible unless forensic methodologies are used, and sometimes that won’t even work.
The next to go is the Master File Table (MFT), which exists in every NTFS file system, containing the physical location of files in the drive, their logical and physical size, and other related metadata. As many big files cannot use consecutive blocks in the hard drive, they are fragmented to accommodate the storage of large files. The MFT comes in handy here, as it stores the information of where each fragment is present in the drive. If the cybercriminals get hold of your MFT, you can still access your small files using forensic tools but accessing large files is practically impossible since the link between fragments is lost. This is a critical step in making data unrecoverable.
There have been many strains of wiper malware in action since 2012, including these varieties:
A wiper attack is tricky to detect and contain. Unlike common malware attacks that come with hallmark signs of their presence, wipers erase all traces of their existence once they have wiped the data. This makes it difficult for cybersecurity teams to respond to these attacks and prevent them from spreading. Therefore, all organizations must implement robust, multi-layered security measures to defend against wiper malware.
Here are some of the solutions and preventative measures that can help:
Source: ID Agent